2018-11-09 26229 Views iarch001
设计, 工艺品, 素描画, 玻璃, Sam Baron, Formafantasma, Charlotte Juillard
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按照素描吹制的玻璃工艺品 Sam Baron and Formafantasma's sketches brought to life in blown glass 由专筑网王帅,吴静雅编译 玻璃制造商Massimo Lunardon将七名设计师的素描画设计为3D玻璃工艺品,这些作品在由Fabrica策划的伦敦Silvera设计商店展出。 上述七位设计师分别是Sam Baron, Formafantasma, Charlotte Juillard, Dean Brown, Valentina Carretta, Ryu Yamamoto和Giorgia Zanellato。 Drawings by seven designers have been transformed into 3D glass works by master glassmaker Massimo Lunardon for an exhibition at London design store Silvera curated by Fabrica The participating artists and designers are Sam Baron, Formafantasma, Charlotte Juillard, Dean Brown, Valentina Carretta, Ryu Yamamoto, and Giorgia Zanellato. Massimo Lunardon参照Formafantasma的起重机草图创作的玻璃作品/Formafantasma's sketch of a crane is one of the pieces created in glass by Massimo Lunardon 该展览由由米兰创意研究机构Fabrica策划,展出了包含七位设计师在内的合计14幅作品。每幅画作都位于对应的作品旁边,它们是对玻璃制造商Massimo Lunardon作品的讲解。 这些抽象的玻璃作品按照画纸上1:1的比例进行测量,然后通过透明的手工玻璃管道将其实现的。 Curated by Milan-based creative research specialists Fabrica, the exhibition Drawing Glass brings together 14 drawings by seven designers. Each drawing is displayed next to a clear glass object made by master glassmaker Massimo Lunardon based on his interpretation of each of the drawings. The drawings are drawn without measurements at a scale of 1:1 on paper while the abstract objects are realised in clear tubes of hand-blown glass. 该展览由Fabrica策划,其中也有Valentina Carretta的草图/The exhibition curated by Fabrica includes sketches by Valentina Carretta 这些作品还包括Formafantasma的'Mar Gh'Era',它由一个玻璃瓶和一个杯子组成,就像想象中的城市造船厂的吊车和水塔。 Giorgia Zanelleto的悬挂几何结构受建筑图纸的启发,而Carretta的几何结构Natura Morta可以作为一个中心件,用来放置蜡烛、鲜花和小水果。 Pieces include 'Mar Gh'Era' by Studio Formafantasma – a glass bottle and cup that resemble a crane and water tower from an imaginary city dockyard. Giorgia Zanelleto's geometric structure with suspended vessels was inspired by architectural drawings while Carretta's geometric Natura Morta structures can be used as a centrepiece to hold candle sticks, flowers and small fruits. Valentina Carretta的素描已经变成一个放置蜡烛、鲜花和小水果的中心装饰品/Valentina Carretta's sketch has been turned into a centrepiece to hold candle sticks, flowers and small fruits 与此同时,还有Carretta的另一件作品Firends,这是一个由长柄连接的花瓶和碗,旨在讽刺用于展示鲜花或水果的篮子。 Charlotte Juillard的Correspondance为一系列细玻璃棒组成的信插。Grimpette的作品像楼梯,也可以用来悬挂珠宝。 Carretta has also contributed Firends – a vase and bowl connected by a long handle that are intended as an ironic interpretation of a basket for displaying flowers or fruits. Charlotte Juillard's Correspondance sees a series of fine glass rods composed as letter holder while Grimpette is a representation of a stairway that can also be used to hang jewellery. Sam Baron的Flags素描/Sam Baron contributed a sketch called Flags to the exhibition Flags出自Fabrica的产品设计主管Sam Baron之手,他将三个菱形玻璃悬挂在一个类似于服装栏杆的结构上。设计师试图将其作为装饰雕塑,上面的菱形可以随意移动以制作新的组合物。 Baron的Fil雕塑为简单几何结构上的带子。工作室称其为“一种永恒的水彩悬浮物”。 Flags by Fabrica's head of product design Sam Baron comprises three glass rhombuses suspended like hangers on a structure that resembles a clothes rail. Intended to be used as a decorative sculpture, the rhombuses can be moved at will to make new compositions. Baron's Fil sculpture, which comprises a string displayed on a simple geometric structure, is described by the studio as "a kind of water color suspended & drying for eternity". Flags为一件可以移动的带有菱形的装饰性雕塑/Flags has been turned into a decorative sculpture with rhombuses that can be moved 该项目虽然已于2013年启动,它第一次在英国Kings Road商店内的500平方米的两层楼展示。 Silvera说:“Fabrica的素描玻璃项目探讨了沟通在设计过程中的重要性。它考验了设计人员如何着手使他们的想法变为现实,然后制造商来用这个想法创建一个物理对象。” Although initiated in 2013, the showcase at Silvera's 500-square-metre, two-storey Kings Road store marks the project's first showing in the UK. "Fabrica's Drawing Glass project explores the importance of communication in the design process; examining how a designer sets out to make their idea readable and how the manufacturer then interprets this idea to create a physical object," said Silvera. Charlotte Juillard是是展览中的七位艺术家之一/Charlotte Juillard is one of seven artists and designers included in the exhibition “通过用透明玻璃模型来解释图纸几乎被误认为是纸上的铅笔,然而,这也会产生一件独特的玻璃作品。” 在Silvera举行的展览截止到10月28号,原始图纸和玻璃制品都带有亲笔签名和编号。 "Using clear glass to interpret the drawings results in a final model that can almost be mistaken as a pencil on paper drawing, yet that also has a beauty unique to glass objects." On show at Silvera until 28 October, the limited edition collection of original drawings and glass pieces are both autographed and numbered. 14件作品将在伦敦Silvera设计商店展出,直至10月28日/The 14 items of blown glass will be exhibited at London design store Silvera until October 28 在2015年,Fabrica的设计师使用透明吹制玻璃制作了一系列玻璃雕塑,这些雕塑使用不寻常的方式展示水果。2015年,这些作品在巴黎展展出,命名为Tutti Frutti。 Fabrica成立于1994年,他作为Benetton集团的研究中心,Fabrica的其他项目还有为反映不同文化融合而制作的餐具,一组手工制作的物品和植物和文具的桌面整理。 In 2015, Fabrica's designers used clear blown glass to create a series of glass sculptures that could be used to display fruit in unusual ways. The pieces were exhibited in 2015 as part of an exhibition in Paris called Tutti Frutti. Set up in 1994 as the research centre of the Benetton Group, Fabrica's other projects have included tableware created to reflect the fusion of different cultures, a collection of artisan-made objects, and desk tidies for both plants and stationery. |
设计, 工艺品, 素描画, 玻璃, Sam Baron, Formafantasma, Charlotte Juillard
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