2019-05-15 27668 Views iarch001
景观, 商业区景观, 森林, 表演空间, 模板, Joost Emmerik
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La Forêt Dessinée 由专筑网pilewyj,李韧编译 这个设计项目由艺术家Iwan Smith合作策划,目的是参加加拿大Metis花园节。戏剧舞台艺术和花园的艺术有着千丝万缕的联系,花园设计者仿佛设计的是一个舞台,反之亦然。如此说来,花园也有用作剧院和表演场所的潜力。可以想象,在戏剧舞台上,呈现出花园或森林的氛围,如此如梦如幻。不同的布景也使人们的注意力逐步地深入舞台。在这个提议的启发下,设计师的目的是尊重花园与剧院的连接,使花园成为表演空间。 Proposal for the garden festival of Metis Canada, together with artist Iwan Smit. Theater art and garden art have for long been inextricably related. Garden-makers were also theatrical designers and vice versa. Gardens functioned as theaters and places of performance. On the theater stage an illusion of a garden or a forest was conjured up. Coulisses led the eye step by step deeper onto the stage. With this proposal we want to honour this garden – theater connection and make this garden a performative space. Philip James de Loutherbourg制作了一个简单的纸板模型,运用侧面布景和负责烘托氛围的透视手法,创造出一幅森林景观。森林在西方文化中通常代表着自由区,拥有着与城市相反的氛围体验,而在这里,它将成为表演空间,用于展示芭蕾舞或歌剧。 A simple cardboard set model by Philip James de Loutherbourg conjures up a forest landscape using the techniques of coulisses and atmospheric perspective. The forest – in Western culture often seen as a free zone, the opposite of the city – becomes a performative space, used for ballet or opera. 在“La Forêt Dessinée”项目的设计理念中,设计师想创造一个展示性空间,让前来参观的人们自己选择是成为观众去探索舞台,还是成为舞台戏剧的一部分。 With our proposal La Forêt Dessinée we want to create such a performative space and give the visitor the choice to be a spectator or explore the stage and become part of the play. “La Forêt Dessinée”项目同时也向游客展示了一幅俯瞰海湾的生动有趣的森林景观。从侧面可以看到这一景观幻象背后的建筑,游客可以进入舞台,身临其境,从而成为一名表演者。 La Forêt Dessinée shows the visitor a graphical, playful forest landscape overlooking a bay. From the sides the construct behind this landscape illusion is revealed and the visitor can enter the stage to become a performer. 该项目搭建在桁架梁上,方便在节日期间租用。这座建筑一部分木板悬挂起来,一部分则被固定在地板上。木板的一部分被剪下来表达侧面布景的效果,剩下的部分涂成白色,并用黑色线条来描绘森林。这个花园里的植物和树木其实都来源于绘画。 La Forêt Dessinée is built from truss beams, rented for the duration of the festival. From this construction wooden boards are suspended and fixated onto the floor. Parts of the boards are cut out to create the coulisses effect, the remaining parts are painted white and illustrated with black lines to create the forest. The garden contains only drawn plants and trees. |
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景观, 商业区景观, 森林, 表演空间, 模板, Joost Emmerik
岛屿上的度假屋,是建筑师的环保意识 让建筑具有辨识度的神器:泡沫铝板
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飞雨言美容美发店面改造设计 BY 维度点设计 WDDDESIGN 2008世博会礼堂和会议中心(Auditorium and Congress Center Expo 2008) 灿烂的微笑(Big Smile Project) 斯特拉斯堡建筑学校 诺亚绿洲,由钻井平台到垂直生物栖息地 Pe?alolen自行车馆(Pe?alolen Velodrome) 关注个体记忆 ‘[ME]morial’纪念建筑 【海外名校的设计之道—专业方向篇】M.Arch II,GSD