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"Brand whole case Strategy system"
Xue Tu Society is not only the consulting, planning and design company of enterprise brand / store, but also the source provider of some nodes of intelligent enterprise service, but also your deep partner and partner. All cooperation projects are carried out by our founding team. Through systematic communication with you, guidance landing, accompany you and the brand to grow together.
Brand strategy
The construction of business model, enterprise development strategy, competitive strategy, product strategy, channel strategy, industrial positioning, brand positioning, category positioning and other overall planning.
Product strategy
Build explosive products in line with product development strategy, product line planning, product positioning, product selling points, product pricing, packaging design, IP design and other products to create products that meet the needs of the younger market.
Traffic creation
Build an annual marketing plan with brand strategy as the core, integrate online and offline content, and build a low-cost and high-conversion flow pool based on soft text, short videos, live streaming, word-of-mouth and community marketing, especially a super individual traffic IP centered on the boss.
Creating a younger consumption scene
Construct the operation strategy with the consumption scene of "rejuvenation" strategy as the core, including the rejuvenation of hardware consumption scenes such as brand entrance, space beauty and store decoration, as well as the integration of online and offline social interaction, games, programs, competitions and other consumption scenes.
Brand investment promotion
To build a cash as the core of investment empowerment, model optimization, investment strategy, project packaging, investment promotion, investment training, investment roadshow or investment landing to implement the brand investment model.
Operation of digital intelligence system
Construct the operation strategy of digital intelligence public domain / private domain e-commerce system with brand as the core, including online store management, design, operation, marketing fission promotion and other traditional and private domain intelligent e-commerce operation, improve brand awareness, customer repurchase rate and ensure the sustained growth of sales.
"six core businesses of store brand"
-positioning marketing good planning, choose the school road society to do bigger
One-stop solution to the core problem of "brand + product + flow + cash + continuous cash": "1, brand positioning; 2, brand design; 3, consumer scene decoration; 4, super individual flow IP+ brand advertising marketing; 5, intelligent marketing system tool construction; 6, OAO marketing operation implementation. "help the store brand" survive, seek development and establish a brand "
"Service object"
The goal is ambitious, has the pattern, has the dream, is determined to build through the continuous capital investment and the super individual flow IP, vows to build the brand / store into the brand enterprise of the industry benchmark!
"Service objectives"
Create the industry brand benchmark and customize the whole-case brand marketing strategy solution that is really suitable for the development of your enterprise, which not only has the height, but also can land on the ground, and help your store / brand to "live first, seek development, and establish a brand".
"cooperation advantage"
"the value of working with us"
It's not selling your research report, but the actual combat landing plan.
The principle of Cooperation with us
Not the single point service part, but the system service as a whole
Not a single project group system, but the overall resource empowerment.
Not short-term cooperation guidance, but 1-5 years cooperation planning.
It is not the traditional relationship between An and B, but the partnership of the cause.
No bidding, no draft comparison, no bribery, no urgent projects.
"the process of working with us"
In order to get the results as the guide, escort with process
"cooperation mode"
Full-case service throughout the year:
To provide customers with year-round brand consulting, planning and design services to one year as a cooperative unit. Charging model: it is charged in the form of annual service fee and paid in three installments (signing, middle and end of the year).
  • 50+
    service trade
  • 800+
    Customer case
Project-based services:
According to the enterprise brand | the actual situation of the store to provide services in the form of projects. Charging mode: charge according to the corresponding service module and pay in stages. Such as: 1V1 consulting service.
Fill in the design requirements
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Statement of Cooperation
In order to communicate more effectively, we recommend that you read the following: 1. The brand is a systematic project, which requires in-depth research and comprehensive thinking, so the school agency does not bid, does not compare manuscripts, does not pay bribes, and does not accept urgent projects. two。 Brand is the highest strategy of the enterprise and the top project, so the school agency only talks to the boss who makes decisions. 3. The brand needs long-term investment. If you want zero investment, please do not consult the school agency easily. The school agency will leave precious time to more enterprises with brand dreams. 4. If you are the person in charge of the enterprise, I hope you will communicate deeply face-to-face with valuable questions.
-positioning marketing good planning, choose the school road society to do bigger